Set Sail! Pirate Adventure, a mobile game proudly developed by DreaminGame, unveils the oceanic mystique of a maritime adventure through its scenic grandeur, graphical fineness and a pleasant soundtrack set amid in the High-Middle Ages Medieval times. Explore the unfathomable depths, delve into uncharted waters, and fight off pirates who would steal your goods, build a business empire offshore, and create an ageless seafaring empire of your own!
▶ Freedom of route creation
- Flex your enterprising muscles by initiating new routes with your friends and making new business friends.
- Enjoy having an in-depth social network to trade with, gain the benefit of these relations in economics and buy a bigger better boat to fight off pirates with.
▶ Eye-catching in-game scenes
- Picturesque 3456*2496 ultra-HD map.
▶ Epic vessels reflecting the Medieval age method of navigation
- Cog, caravel, luggers, warwick, ketch and many others... set sails!
▶ Historical architecture, a true picture of the Medieval times
- Taste the Middle Ages through refined Roman, Rococo, Gothic and Byzantine architecture
▶ Price mechanism embodying the charming side of business
- Be prepared for market unpredictability and fluctuating prices
▶ Unique beer system, a humanizinged element
- Drink before they go - let your sailors run ablaze with alcohol.
▶ Characters with character in a whimsical world
- The silly? The cute? The pitiful? The proud? Medieval humor.
▶ Country system, with a variety of adventure experiences
- Ready for different adventures in eight countries?
▶ Adventurous plot in the mysterious Middle Ages.
- Seek and find the mysterious The Columbus Island? Follow the captain and write down our adventure.
▶ Exploration and business make tasks exciting
- Explore while running a business. Do tasks while exploring. Run a business while doing tasks. Say no to boredom!
▶ Reciprocal help in business.
- A businessman's friendships are pivotal to success. Let's do business together!
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